Shortlist for ISCM World Music Days FESTIVAL 2018, Beijing

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Grace is pleased to have been shortlisted for the British Section of the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) World Music Days Festival 2018 in partnership with Sound and Music, for her orchestral work 'KINTSUKUROI: (Golden Repair)'. 

This year the festival takes place in Beijing, China, in May 2018. The ISCM is an important international organisation comprised of an Executive Committee and a network of around fifty member countries (or 'Sections'). Since the ISCM was founded in 1922 in Salzburg, their network has grown to include more than 60 organisations in over 50 countries, on every continent. You can read more about this announcement here on the Sound and Music website.

Selected works for the ISCM World New Music Days 2018 Festival will be announced by early 2018.
